ppyHigh School
Mrs. Zlata Press
Mrs. Chanie Greenfeld
Associate Principal
Ms. Carmi Homburger
Associate Principal
Mrs. Zlata Press
Mrs. Chanie Greenfeld
Associate Principal
Ms. Carmi Homburger
Associate Principal
Prospect Park High School Academics
“Take a peek! You’ll find Bnos Leah Prospect Park Yeshiva warm, familiar, and interestingly new.”
-Mrs. Press, Principal
The supper recipe that was right in 1989 does not quite work in today. While the protein remains the same, it is surrounded by an array of vegetables interestingly spiced. The standard carbs may have been replaced by grains you never heard of thirty years ago, and salt, sugar and oil are applied with a light hand.
So too, in Bnos Leah Prospect Park Yeshiva, Chinuch – the “protein” – remains the same, but the flavoring is updated and fresh.
The new! The last decade has seen a blessing of mini-curricula on specific issues created by masters of Chinuch for use in Bais Yaakov schools across the country. These, as well as our own rich courses, interest and challenge our students as we address the issues of the 21st Century.
High School Program
We are delighted to introduce:
- 10th Grade – Hashkafah Curriculum Foundations (developed by Chana Noa Gelbfish and Suri Ganz)
- 11th Grade – Yesodos Haemunah Curriculum “Kivun” (developed by Rebbetzin Leah Kohn)
- 12th Grade – Tznius Curriculum (developed by Mrs. Faigie Zelcer)
- 12th Grade – Challenges of Digital Technology (developed by Mrs. Faigy Zelcer and Miss Basya Fogel)
- 12th Grade – Financial Literacy Program (developed by Mesila)
Some “minor” topics include:
- 9th Grade – Shemona Esrei
- 10th Grade – Jewish Song and Choir
Additions to secular curriculum:
We have also included additions to our standard Regent Curriculum Secular Program:
- STEM – Science Technology Engineering Math Program
- Rigorous Writing Program for the 9th, 11th, and 12th grades in addition to the regular English classes
- Informal Reading Program – emphasis on Jewish nonfiction books to be read over Succos and Pesach
- While we teach “product,” we also instill “process.” These are skills that our students will carry with them for many years to come.
Extra-Curricular Activities
As always, we have a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and programs:
- G.O.
- Gemach
- Jewish Affairs Committee
- Mishmeres
- Technology Awareness Program
- Debate Team
- Chagigos
- Biennial School Shabbaton
- Biennial Raninu Production
Every year we take the students on exciting trips which have included:
- Marine Park
- Coney Island
- The Museum of Natural History
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- The Living Torah Museum
Our Staff:
We take pride in our innovative veteran teachers who are sensitive to the ever-changing interests, needs, and challenges of each new generation.
Our students take pride in being a part of Bnos Leah Prospect Park Yeshiva, a nationally renowned institution with graduates serving as pillars of Jewish homes, builders to their communities, and successful contributors to society at large.
Visit us, support us, and send us your children and grandchildren.
High School Program
We are delighted to introduce:
- 10th Grade – Hashkafah Curriculum Foundations (developed by Chana Noa Gelbfish and Suri Ganz)
- 11th Grade – Yesodos Haemunah Curriculum “Kivun” (developed by Rebbetzin Leah Kohn)
- 12th Grade – Tznius Curriculum (developed by Mrs. Faigie Zelcer)
- 12th Grade – Challenges of Digital Technology (developed by Mrs. Faigy Zelcer and Miss Basya Fogel (Bnos Leah Prospect Park Yeshiva Staff)
- 12th Grade – Financial Literacy Program (developed by Mesila)
Some “minor” topics include:
- 9th Grade – Shemona Esrei
- 10th Grade – Jewish Song and Choir
Additions to secular curriculum:
We have also included additions to our standard Regent Curriculum Secular Program:
- STEM – Science Technology Engineering Math Program
- Rigorous Writing Program for the 9th, 11th, and 12th grades in addition to the regular English classes
- Informal Reading Program – emphasis on Jewish nonfiction books to be read over Succos and Pesach
- While we teach “product,” we also instill “process.” These are skills that our students will carry with them for many years to come.
Extra-Curricular Activities
As always, we have a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and programs:
- G.O.
- Gemach
- Jewish Affairs Committee
- Mishmeres
- Technology Awareness Program
- Debate Team
- Chagigos
- Biennial School Shabbaton
- Biennial Raninu Production
Every year we take the students on exciting trips which have included:
- Marine Park
- Coney Island
- The Museum of Natural History
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- The Living Torah Museum
Our Staff:
We take pride in our innovative veteran teachers who are sensitive to the ever-changing interests, needs, and challenges of each new generation.
Our students take pride in being a part of Bnos Leah Prospect Park Yeshiva, a nationally renowned institution with graduates serving as pillars of Jewish homes, builders to their communities, and successful contributors to society at large.
Visit us, support us, and send us your children and grandchildren.